Veille Textile

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"Coats in partnership with Osram has launched a LED light system. Called Coats Signal Active Illumination,…
"TV presenter Emma Willis has launched her first sportswear collection as part of her on-going collaboration…
HeartDub, Chinese start-up, has introduced an AI-based technology to provide clothing samples for manufacturers…
"L'ex-tennisman, six fois vainqueur du Grand Chelem, travaille actuellement avec Fashion Concept,…
"Frankfurt, Germany – Lenzing Group has made another advance in its Refibra technology that marks a…
"“Bacteria are the most intelligent, environmentally friendly and resource-efficient way to produce…
"Founded in London by twin brothers Nick and Steve Tidball just a few years ago, Vollebak has already…
In this exclusive comments to Textilegence, Mr. Elvio Re Sarto, Loepfe Sales Manager, stated that PRISMA,…
"Next year marks the centenary of the word robot in Karel Capek’s play R.U.R., where the intelligent…